One of Six, Half a Dozen of Another
23. Januar – 15. März 2009

The Kunstverein Arnsberg is pleased to present the first institutional solo exhibition of the artist duo Burghard in the new year.

Burghard is a long-standing collaboration between Romy and Stef Richter. Works created especially for this exhibition will be shown at Kunstverein Arnsberg. They work with different formats such as video, collage and installation. The artists' works question the limitations of cultural norms and focus in particular on the development of the phonetic alphabet, which has formed the basis of Western supremacy over the last 2,600 years. History, philosophy, law and our canon of values are closely linked to this fundamental innovation. Today, we are experiencing a media paradigm shift that is changing all communicative processes worldwide. With the placement of fragile, formally reduced objects, the artists create a "text" that not only resists linear reading, but rather opens up poetic, playful spaces for thought, thus emphasizing the autonomy of the individual and inviting exhibition visitors to make their own interpretation.