group exhibition
27. Juni – 17. August 2014

Ulf Aminde, Peter Bormann, Nine Budde, Burghard, Chiarenza & Hauser, Jimmie Durham, Daniel Knorr, Mariusz Kruk, Heimo Lattner, Dan Perjovschi, Erich Reusch, Thomas Ruff, Yorgos Sapountzis, Andreas Karl Schulze, Hadas Tapouchi, Raul Walch
Kunstverein Arnsberg generally strives to engage with ideas and experiences of Contemporary Art and to interact with the local reality through collaborations, public projects and education. Due to a focus on artistic production, many of the works that are on view in Arnsberg are not only commissioned by the kunstverein but also site-specifically developed in relation to its context. But beside the exhibited artworks, many artists created further pieces during or after a stay in Arnsberg.
Quite a few of these new artworks have a strong relation to the city but were never exhibited there. They were on view at other venues, pictured in catalogues or discussed in magazines, but are not present in the memory of the kunstverein. The possibility to create an exhibition with a selection of these works triggered potentials for new perceptions of the kunstverein, city and people involved.
In contrast to a museum, a kunstverein has usually no own collection. In most cases, it is happy to be able to produce the artworks and has no further means to acquire or preserve it. As many of the exhibited works appeared in Arnsberg and reflect on characteristics of its history, architecture or social life, they can be seen as important witnesses of change. How could these works be preserved for the future? How do they affect us so many years after their creation? And what happens when these works come together in an exhibition?